Contact: Mrs. Turner, Little Hoole Primary School, Dob Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5QL

01772 613026

Little Hoole Primary School

Enabling All to Believe, Grow & Achieve



On behalf everyone here, I would like to welcome you to Little Hoole Primary School and our website. We pride ourselves on being a place where children are happy, feel safe to attend, behave well and have positive attitudes toward their learning. We are pleased that our March 2023 Ofsted report confirms that we remain a Good school. We are ambitious for the achievement of all pupils, and children at Little Hoole want to do well and try their best in all their lessons.


Serving the local area of Walmer Bridge, Little Hoole and Much Hoole, generations of children have left Little Hoole Primary with a love of learning and are well prepared for high school. Both academic and personal success is valued, and this is shown in our drive to let children shine in all areas of the curriculum and the activities they do beyond school.



Based on the National Curriculum, we teach a broad and balanced ‘Curriculum to be Proud of,’ which clearly sets out the knowledge we want children to be taught and by when. This helps the children build on their prior learning, supporting them to make excellent progress over time. It also enables children to develop their interests in a range of areas. Our six PSHE themes of Me & My Relationships, Valuing Difference, Keeping Myself Safe, Rights & Responsibilities, Growing & Changing, Being My Best help the children develop a strong sense of right & wrong. Our children are court


eous to one another and value the differences between people. We are proud to be helping them to be equipped to take their places in a modern Britain.



We offer excellent facilities, including a well-maintained school building and attractive and spacious grounds and there are plenty of opportunities for children to nurture their talents, interests and skills. Our Sports, Science, Arts and Reading clubs are run throughout the year in addition to us placing a high priority on taking part in events with other schools in our area. This is in addition to presenting our annual Infant Nativities and Junior Productions to the community. Our children relish the opportunities to take on leadership roles. We have a strong and active Pupil Leadership Team who help organise events and how to spend money to benefit our school. Our children in Yrs 5 and 6 embrace their roles as ‘Big Friends’ to their ‘Little Friends’ in Reception and Y1.



Our rules of ‘Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe’ underpin our high expectations that we set for the childre

and our Aims: Enabling All to Believe, Grow & Achieve help us to continually focus on what the children need to reach their goals and be ready for their next stage of education.


We are proud to be part of our Little Hoole community and of the close links that we have established over the years. Our parents and carers are very supportive, helping us with many activities within school. They accompany our trips and our PTA raise much needed funds so that we can continue to deliver the very best for the children. Our excellent, hardworking, caring and dedicated staff share core beliefs that centre on providing a happy, safe, secure and supportive learning environment where children work hard and behave well. This in turn leads to the children achieving academic and personal excellence whilst they grow in self-esteem. 


We hope you enjoy looking at our website. We are constantly updating it and developing it further. We hope that it gives you a good picture of what our school is like. We would love to be able to meet you in person, to show you our school and the wonderful children and staff who make it what it is. If you are interested, please don't hesitate to email or phone for more information. 

Many thanks

Daniel Stammers
