Contact: Mrs. Mercer, Little Hoole Primary School, Dob Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5QL

01772 613026

Little Hoole Primary School

Enabling All to Believe, Grow & Achieve




Our ‘Curriculum to be Proud of’ meets all the expectations and requirements as set out in the National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage Framework. We work hard to deliver, evaluate and review the teaching and learning we do so that we can support our children to meet the Aims of our school: Believe, Grow, Achieve.


  • Children will feel valued as unique individuals.
  • Children will find learning enjoyable and often fascinating – they will be positive learners.
  • Children will be confident and resilient in both their learning and wider relationships. 


  • Develop a positive sense of self, becoming respectful and responsible citizens who are prepared for life in a diverse and modern Britain.
  • Have opportunities to nurture, develop and stretch their talents and interests. 
  • Learn how to be safe, secure & healthy showing excellent behaviour and attitudes to learning, knowing how to make the right choices


  • Children will receive great teaching. They will feel supported and challenged. 
  • Children will make excellent progress as a result of the school’s curriculum which is carefully and skilfully planned, thoroughly delivered and regularly reviewed and improved.  
  • Children will grow in self-esteem as they realise their potential 


We aim to enhance children’s learning by organising visitors and visits to different places in and around the area in which the children live and to prepare them well for the challenges that the next stage of their learning may bring.

Curriculum Entitlement (Implementation)

Children in EYFS - Reception learn through a continuous provision approach. Using the Early Years Framework as our guide, activities may start as whole class, but children soon go into different areas, both inside and outside to develop their skills and knowledge in carefully devised learning areas covering the areas of learning as set out in the Framework.

Across the whole school, great emphasis is placed on developing children’s Maths and English skills through daily lessons including phonics sessions in all our Infant classes and Guided Reading when children reach an appropriate level to do so.  

We place particular importance on Science, PE, PSHE, RE and Computing at Little Hoole and these subjects are taught once a week throughout the year. All other subjects alternate with a 'partner subject' ensuring our curriculum is balanced and the teaching and learning is effective.

The illustrations below show the % of time spent on all subjects except for English and Maths throughout 2022/23.

Subject Content and Delivery

Foundation subjects are often taught in specific units and typically last up to 6 weeks. Maths and English tend to have more, shorter units lasting between 1-4weeks. Key learning for each unit is identified and has been referenced carefully against the National Curriculum expectations and teachers plan appropriate activities to match the key learning.

Each subject has its own overview, and this is shared below. It includes a breakdown of how the subject is likely to be taught across the school and suggestions for how parents & carers could help their child further with their learning. We’re also pleased to share photos of children in the middle of projects and with final outcomes.

In some subjects, for example: Art (Kapow), Computing (iCompute), Maths (White Rose), Music (Charanga), PE (Lancs PE planning) and PSHE (SCARF), we use published schemes of work to help us plan the lessons. These have been carefully chosen as we feel they meet the needs of the children at Little Hoole, contain enjoyable, creative and thoughtful activities and are based on our identified key learning which is matched to the National Curriculum and Early Years Framework expectations.

Disadvantaged Children

It is essential and right for us to ensure that all children receive the support they need in all subjects and that no child misses out. Work is often scaffolded. We are fortunate to have excellent Teaching Assistants who support classes and lead interventions. To enable children to catch up or be pushed further. We benefit from support from outside agencies, for example specialist teachers and HLTAs to provide support for SEND and for EAL and we use additional funding we receive, for example (PPG) to ensure there is fair access for all children for all activities.

For more information on how we meet the needs of children on the SEND register and PPG register, please click the following links to take you to our website.


Pupil Premium (PPG)

Monitoring & Evaluating

In 2023/24 the following statutory assessment will take place:

Year 1

Year 2

Year 4

Year 6

Phonics Screening

 June 2024

End of KS1 National Curriculum Assessments

(These are now optional tests that the school will administer for our own, internal assessment procedures.  No Y2 data is sent to the DfE) 

(Reading, Writing, GPS, Maths,)

May 2024

Multiplication Tables Check

3-week window in June 2024

End of KS2 National Curriculum Assessment

(Reading, Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling, Writing*, Maths)

Mon 11th May – Thur 14thMay 2024

*Writing is teacher assessed and sits outside the assessment window in May.

In addition to this, children’s knowledge and learning in all subjects in the curriculum are assessed formatively and this year teachers are trialling a range of different methods to help children retain their learning.

Each subject has its own Subject Champion, who is responsible, amongst other things for Analysing what is being delivered across the school, how and the impact of the delivery in their subject, Building a secure subject they champion by carrying out auditing, purchasing and organising resources, filling any gaps in coverage and ensuring agreed procedures are being carried out, and Cultivating their subject by holding pupil and staff discussion and spending time developing their own expertise in the subject through training and research.

Every Subject Champion has been allocated time to develop this, and they work with a member of SLT who supports them through this process. Pupil discussion and staff evaluations indicate that for the units that have been recently investigated, children have retained the key learning at the point of the discussion.  

For more information about each subject, please click on the links below:


Art & Design




Design & Technology
























