Contact: Mrs. Mercer, Little Hoole Primary School, Dob Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR4 5QL

01772 613026

Little Hoole Primary School

Enabling All to Believe, Grow & Achieve

Have you ever come across Easy Fundraising? This is a great site that will give us a % of what you spend. All you need to do is go to and select support Little Hoole PTA. Register your details and away you go! It couldn't be easier, it won't cost you a penny and we get a % of what you spend! Try it today! 

PTA Pages

We were delighted to hold our PTA AGM on Thursday 12th October 2023. There was a good turnout, but of course there is always room for more helpers. Thank you to Vikki Joules who was Chairperson for 2022/23 and Kate Coldwell who was Vice-Chair for 2022/23. They both did a fantastic job in very challenging circumstances.


The following people were elected to the following positions:

Chair - Emma Moore

Secretary - Jane Crix-Jopson

Treasurer - Kate Coldwell

Thank you for taking on these roles and thank you to the other members who attended this evening who have also taken the responsibility of organising some of the events throughout the year again. The following events have been planned for this academic year. They can only happen if you support us with the planning and the doing so please get in touch through the PTA Facebook page if you're able to help.

  • Thursday 2nd Novemeber 2023 - Autumn Halloween Disco


For further PTA Information please visit their PTA Facebook page for further details of events and plans! 

Halloween Disco 2022



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